The answer is quite simple, yes, age of empires ii hd is compatible with windows 10, but it does not stop there. windows 8 windows 8 has a really nasty font-related memory leak, and when we changed the code to patch the leak in 4.0, we really hurt performance for a lot of players.. Age of empires 2 wont play on windows 10 as per above. have installed age of empires 2 on my windows 10 computer, but when opening the game a pop up asks for permission, i accept and then nothing happens afterwards. game wont run ***post moved by the moderator to the appropriate forum category.***. Age of empires 2 full version free download - age of empires, age of empires ii: the conquerors official patch 2, age of empires 2 tips, and many more programs best video software for windows.
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