Dance dance revolution (ddr) started as a popular arcade game in the late 1990s. teenagers were drawn to the heart-pumping dance beats and the simple premise: stomp on the dance pad in the pattern indicated by the arrows on the screen.. Ddr game welcome dance dance revolution ddr game players to share their experience with everyone. please send the following information; including your name, residence of state, and your story to (any story with flout languages will be disregard). Diet diet revolution: how i lost weight playing a video game decided that it would be easier to work out constantly than to get fat and then try to lose the weight. dance dance revolution..
A subreddit where people can discuss dance dance revolution, post videos, ddr news, achievements, records, tournaments, etc. ddr viable for weight loss? (self.dancedancerevolution) submitted have lost 50+ playing over a summer, so it is definitely a viable workout. that said, diet change is the best way to lose weight and keep it off. What is dance dance revolution? it is a game played using a television, a game console, the ddr software, and a dance pad. the ddr game is played on a mat or platform with 4 arrows pointing in each direction (up, down, left, right) and four arrows on your tv screen that will scroll or overlap.. Just wanted to say that i have a very similar story, and ddr definitely is an awesome way to lose weight. i went from 165 to 125 in the span of a couple months playing ddr..