Sony brings bravia engine 3, applicast on-screen widgets to hdtv lineup far be it for us to judge the decisions of a huge corporation and its ad campaign, but sony announc... by r. miller , 02.16.09. Boasted features include bravia engine 3 with 100hz motionflow and image blur reduction for smoother images, a widget-rich on-screen applicast that gives you basic internet-on-tv functionality. Bravia engine 3 on lenovo s860 you're reading an article about bravia engine 3 on lenovo s860 . you are allowed to copy and paste or dissemination of this article, but do not forget to put the link below as the source..
Teknologi bravia engine adalah teknologi besutan sony yang pada awalnya hanya di terapkan pada televisi-televisi keluaran sony dan baru-baru ini teknologi tersebut dapat di nikmati pada beberapa ponsel cerdas android keluaran sony (terutama seri xperia) dan fungsi teknologi ini adalah memberikan tampilan gambar dan video yang sangat jernih dan tajam pada ponsel cerdas android kita.. Hello friends, here comes the x-reality engine / bravia engine 3 for our android devices. it will boost the rendering of graphics in our android. this normally works great on your gallery and videos. you can take a look at the picture below which tells you more about x-reality engine. ro.service. The sony technology of be2 (bravia engine 2) & be3 (bravia engine 3) are covered. you can only achieve the potential of your lcd panel by doing the image processing correctly and the be2 & be3 can.