Rpmbuild --undefine=_disable_source_fetch -ba /path/to/yourspec downloading sources automatically is forbidden by default because rpm lacks built-in integrity checks for the source archives the network has to be trusted, and any checksums and signatures checked. Rpm spec download source. Build the rpm: use the rpmbuild command to turn your spec file and content into the rpm package for distribution you can also package the source code into a separate source rpm.
rpm spec download source
When another user downloads your rpm, set up a directory hierarchy per the rpmbuild specifications place your source code and supplemental files in the proper locations in the hierarchy create your spec file build the rpm you can optionally build a source rpm to share your source code with others to begin, build the hierarchy in a. Mkdir-p ~ / rpmbuild / {build, rpms, sources, specs, srpms} 2. put the source rpm file at the root of your home directory and then run this command to rebuild the rpm under your system :. Download rpm rebuild for free. rpmrebuild build packages from modified installed packages. rpmrebuild is a tool to build an rpm file from a package that has already been installed. it can be used to easily build modified packages, and works on any linux distribution that uses rpm..